What are ATCs & ACEOs?

Have you seen the acronyms ATC or ACEO and don’t know what they mean? ATC = Artist Trading Cards and ACEO = Artist Cards Editions and Originals. What’s the difference? Let get into what they are below!

A Little History…

Miniture paintings have been in existance for centuries, and have been found dating back to the 200s A.D., however ATCs (Artist Trading Cards), the way they are know today, started in 1997 by a Swiss artist, M. Vänçi Stirnemann. He created hundreds as part of an exhibition, then later traded with other artists.

Minatures were used to tell tales for those that couldn’t read, to paintings passed around by royals to show off suitors. In the late 1800s, cigarette cards became popular and were the beginnings of Sport trading cards, and later ATCs. These included portraits of sports figures, circus performers, and tobacco business owners.

So What’s the Difference?

Art Cards Editions and Originals (ACEOs), are ATCs that are sold. You can have limited or open editions. The size for both are 2.5 x 3.5 inches. If you trade with other artists they are ATCs.

How Do You make Them?

You can buy blank ATCs anywhere. Or you can cut your own. Choose the paper you want and make sure each card is 2.5 x 3.5 inches. Then have fun and create what you want on them. I make editions for Halloween and Christmas. You can find both in my shop.